복합 알루미늄판과 알루미늄 합금 베니어의 재질 비교

복합 알루미늄 판 Aluminium alloy veneer
The material Two layers of 0.5mm thick pure aluminum plate, sandwiched with PVC or PEC plastic, rolled and hot bonded 2-3mm aluminum alloy plate
Fluorine carbon coating The coating thickness is generally 20 μm The coating thickness is usually 30-40 μm after two or three sprays
색상 There are a variety of colors to choose from, color is basically divided into monochrome and magic color. Patented color products have a layer of film on the surface, good durability, good color identity Color optional according to design and client’s requirements
life Domestic plate about 10 연령, imported plate color and strength can reach more than 20 연령, maintenance free As long as 15 연령, mostly due to weather wind pressure deformation, panel color flower
enclosed The four openings The four corners are tightly welded
Wind resistance The wind pressure deformation resistance is small, and the wind pressure strength of the imported composite plate is very high Strong deformation resistance to wind pressure, easy deformation
Resistance to temperature changes The expansion coefficient of aluminum plate is quite different from that of plastic, so it is easy to blister and peel The same material, temperature changes when the wall panel itself has no effect
Ray resistance Lightning resistance, strong electricity is difficult to ground through the composite aluminum plate, 0.5mm thick aluminum plate will be broken down It can act as a good conductor of electricity, sending huge lightning currents to the ground quickly through the
building’s grounding system
processability Can be processed on site, can cope with the size change caused by the construction error on site Made by the manufacturer, it has poor adaptability to the errors of field construction and high requirements for
secondary design
To realize Generally 80%—95% 100%
생산하다 If the groove depth is not well controlled, the outer aluminum plate will be damaged, resulting in bending and fracture, resulting in waste products. The rate of good products is generally 96%——98% Factory production, yield of 100%
The environmental protection It involves the selection of core material. General core material in high temperature will produce harmful gas, not fire, difficult to recover Fireproof, easy to recycle, no environmental pollution
Scope of application Suitable for curtain wall engineering Suitable for facade decoration, elevated corridor, pedestrian bridge, low curtain wall