
Alloys of aluminum sheet plate

Aluminum plate refers to a rectangular plate rolled by aluminum ingots. It is divided into pure aluminum plate, plat aluminium aloi.

  • High-purity aluminum sheet (rolled from high-purity aluminum with a content of 99.9 or more)
  • Pure aluminum plate (the composition is basically rolled from pure aluminum)
  • Alloy aluminum plate (composed of aluminum and auxiliary alloys, usually aluminum-copper, aluminum-manganese, aluminum-silicon, aluminum-magnesium, dan lain-lain.)

According to the alloy series, ia boleh dibahagikan kepada

1 kepingan aluminium bersiri

Ciri-ciri: Containing more than 99.00% aluminium, kekonduksian elektrik yang baik, rintangan kakisan yang baik, prestasi kimpalan yang baik, kekuatan rendah, not heat treatable to strengthen.

Aplikasi: Chemical industry and special applications. Chemical equipment (1060), industrial installations and storage containers (1100)

2 kepingan aluminium bersiri

Ciri-ciri: Aluminum alloy containing copper as the main combined element. Mangan, magnesium, lead and bismuth are also added for machinability. Disadvantages: serious tendency of intergranular corrosion.

Aplikasi: Aerospace industry (2014 aloi), skru (2011 aloi) and industries with high operating temperatures (2017 aloi).

3 plat aluminium siri

Ciri-ciri: Aluminum alloy with manganese as the main alloy element, not heat treatable to strengthen, rintangan kakisan yang baik, prestasi kimpalan yang baik, keplastikan yang baik. Disadvantages: kekuatan rendah, but can be strengthened by cold working hardening, easy to produce coarse grains when annealed.

Aplikasi: Air conditioners, peti ais, underbody of cars and other shells that need to be rust-proof, seamless tubes for oil guide used in airplanes (3003 aloi), easy-to-open cans (3004 aloi).

4 kepingan aluminium bersiri

Ciri-ciri: Silicon based, not a commonly used aluminum alloy. Some of the 4 series can be strengthened by heat treatment, but some of them cannot be heat treated.

Aplikasi: Construction materials, bahagian mekanikal, forging materials, welding materials;

5 plat aluminium siri

Ciri-ciri: Magnesium is the main material. Good resistance, prestasi kimpalan yang baik, good fatigue strength, tidak boleh dirawat haba untuk menguatkan, only cold processing to improve the strength.

Aplikasi: In aviation, seperti tangki bahan api pesawat, ducts, bulletproof vests.

6 plat aluminium siri

Ciri-ciri: Magnesium and silicon based. Mg2Si is the main strengthening, kekuatan sederhana, rintangan kakisan yang baik, prestasi kimpalan yang baik, good process performance (easy extrusion out of the shape) oxidation coloring performance. It is a relatively widely used alloy.

Aplikasi: transportation tools (seperti: car luggage rack, pintu, tingkap, body, sink haba, between the box shell)

7 kepingan aluminium bersiri

Ciri-ciri: zinc-based, but sometimes a small amount of magnesium and copper are added. One of the super hard aluminum alloys is the one containing zinc, lead, magnesium and copper alloy close to the hardness of steel. The extrusion speed is slower than 6-series alloy, and the welding performance is good.

Aplikasi: In aviation (load-bearing components of aircraft, alat pendaratan), rockets, propellers, airships.

Temper of aluminum sheet plate

The basic condition of aluminum alloy plate is divided into 5 kinds, each is F, O, H, T, W. These 5 kinds of condition means 5 kinds of process treatment and link of aluminum alloy plate, and the characteristics and price of aluminum alloy plate in different condition will have quite a big difference.

F is the free temper, no restriction on the temper of aluminum plate, it is applicable to the products with no special requirements for the process hardening and heat treatment conditions in the forming process, and the mechanical properties of the products in this temper are not specified.

O is the annealed temper, iaitu, the full soft temper, applicable to the processing of products with lower strength obtained by complete annealing. Annealing temperatures of 400° or more are generally required.

H is the work-hardened temper, followed by a number indicating what kind of work-hardening and the degree of hardness and softness, applicable to products with increased strength through work-hardening, the product can be processed after hardening (or not) to reduce the strength of additional heat treatment. The number following the H is the required hardness parameter.

The meaning of the number following the H temper

  • The first number after H is 1, which is a purely work-hardened temper.
  • The first digit of H temper is 2, which is incomplete annealing.
  • The first digit of the H temper is 3, which is a work-hardening stabilized treatment.
  • The first digit of H heel is 4, which is work-hardened paint treatment.

Hxx The second digit on the heel of the H. The larger the number, the higher the hardness.

  • Hx1 1/8 hardness
  • Hx2 2/8 hardness
  • Hx3 3/8 hardness
  • Hx4 4/8 hardness
  • Hx5 5/8 hardness
  • Hx6 6/8 hardness
  • Hx7 7/8 hardness
  • Hx8 8/8 hardness
  • Hx9 extra hard

Hxxx H followed by the third digit, is a special temper

  • Hxx1 The lowest hardness, not as hard as H11
  • Hxx2 processing and molding, no special performance requirements
  • Hxx3 is generally a magnesium (Mg) content is relatively high (Mg ≥ 4%) aloi, such as the 5 siri.

W solid solution heat treatment temper, an unstable temper, only for the solution heat treatment, natural aging of the alloy at room temperature, the temper code only indicates that the product is in the natural aging stage.

T heat treatment temper (different from F, O, and H tempers ) applies to products stabilized after heat treatment, with or without work hardening. The numbers followed by T are the different tempers of processing.

The meaning of the temper of T-temper and the process

T0 solid solution treatment + natural aging + cold deformation


  • Solid solution treatment: solidheatinghot rolling (plate rolling, bar rolling, dan lain-lain.)
  • Cold deformation: straightening and the like

T1 hot work + natural aging

T2 hot work + cold deformation + natural aging

T3 solid solution treatment + cold deformation + natural aging

T4 solid solution treatment + natural aging

T5 Hot working + artificial aging

T6 Solid solution treatment + artificial aging

T7 solid solution treatment + over-aging

Catatan: Over-aging is a kind of artificial aging, more than the temperature of insulation, more than the time of insulation, the performance changes, it is necessary to re-temperature re-aging, the cost becomes high.

The degree of over-aging is divided into

  • over-aging 1 temper T73
  • Over-aging 2 temper T74
  • Over-aging3 temper T76

T8 Solid solution treatment + cold deformation + artificial aging

T9 Solid solution treatment + artificial aging + cold deformation

T10 Hot working + cold deformation + artificial aging

1/3/5 series alloys without heat treatment process, all without T-temper. f-temper and H112 in the national standard mechanical properties are not required. (Mechanical properties include strength, hardness, yield strength, kekuatan tegangan, elongation, dan lain-lain.)

One more process is added, and the cost becomes higher. Cold deformation needs to be done manually, and the labor cost becomes invisible higher.

The temperature of manual aging is high. Natural aging is room temperature. The annealing temperature needs to be 400° or higher. Quenching temperature is above 100°.

Applications of aluminum sheet plate

  • Illumination and lighting
  • Solar reflection sheet
  • Architectural appearance
  • Interior decoration: ceiling, wall, dan lain-lain.
  • Furniture, cabinets
  • Elevators
  • Signs, inscriptions, Brands, bags and bags
  • Car interior and exterior decoration
  • Interior decorations: such as photo frames
  • Perkakas rumah: peti ais, microwave ovens, audio equipment, dan lain-lain.
  • Aerospace and military aspects, such as China’s large aircraft manufacturing, Shenzhou spacecraft series, satellites, dan lain-lain. .
  • Mechanical parts processing
  • Mold manufacturing
  • Chemical / insulation pipe coating.
  • High-quality ship board

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