1. Supply products

We can provide 1 ل 8 series alloy aluminum sheet plates, and we can customize aluminum plates of various alloys, sizes, thicknesses and other rules.

2. Quality control of raw aluminum ingots

Aluminum ingots are all primary aluminum ingots produced from aluminum smelting and alumina electrolysis. The aluminum ingots meet the AOO standard, and the Chinese national standard (غب / ت 1196-2008) should be calledaluminum ingots for remelting”. Each batch of aluminum ingots enters our smelting furnace, and we will take samples to determine the alloy composition and trace amounts. Elemental analysis.

The volume of the smelting furnace used in the casting-rolling production line is 60 طن, and we do an alloy composition analysis for every 30 طن. To ensure the stability of the blank alloy.

3. Production management process

After receiving your order, our production dispatcher will arrange the order, the workshop production will receive the production plan, and the production will be carried out. The quality inspector will check the quality in the intermediate link and give feedback to the quality control department.

Unqualified semi-finished products will not flow to the next link and stop loss in time.


4. QC operation process

We use smelting, semi-finished products and finished products for comprehensive quality control.

The special requirements of customers are decomposed into every link for control. Some customers need special alloys, high emphasis, استطالة عالية, high surface hardness, surface brightness, fineness, version, cleanliness, We will decompose and control many special requirements in every link. To ensure that the finished product and the order requirements are consistent.

The quality inspection department has the right to veto the product quality throughout the company, and the quality inspection department directly reports to the deputy general manager.

If there are non-conforming products in your product, the manager of the QC department and the personnel involved in the inspection will have corresponding performance penalties.

5. Packaging process

The packaging of aluminum products is inseparable from wood, but also has a moisture-proof effect. وبالتالي, our aluminum plates, لفائف الألمنيوم, aluminum wafers, aluminum foils and other products are packaged with more than three layers, على سبيل المثال, PVC+pearl cotton+waterproof kraft paper +PVC. Both wooden pallets and wooden boxes are treated in a harmless manner.

We fully consider the difference in temperature in different regions, مواصلات برية وسائل نقل برية, sea transportation and other transportation conditions.

All aluminum products, before packaging, we have to stand still and air-cooled, and wait for the temperature of the aluminum products to drop before packaging.

6. Warehouse and transportation loading process

After the product is packaged, it will be warehousing and transported from the packaging area to the finished product warehouse for sorting and placement. The finished product warehouse is a dry warehouse that is well ventilated, rain-proof and moisture-proof.

The stacking of aluminum plates is not allowed to exceed 6 layers, aluminum foil is not allowed to exceed 5 layers, and aluminum wafers are not allowed to exceed 2 layers. Each finished product has its own storage QR code, which is convenient to find him when it is shipped.
In order to ensure the accuracy of the incoming and outgoing quantities, the packaging of aluminum products entering the finished product warehouse is not allowed to be opened.

In the process of loading, whether it is a forklift or a crane, the loading is carried out one piece at a time to avoid damage to the pallet or wooden box during the loading process.

Trucks for inland transportation must be covered with a tarp before leaving the factory to prevent sudden rain from affecting the product packaging and quality during inland transportation.

After arriving at the port, they are directly unloaded from the truck and into the container. Special personnel will take pictures during the process of loading the container. After the container is loaded, it will be reinforced. After the reinforcement, the photo will be taken and the container will be sealed.

7. خدمة ما بعد البيع

إذا كان المنتج المرسل إلى شركتك يعاني من مشاكل في الجودة وتم التحقق منه من قبل شركتنا, الحل لدينا هو على النحو التالي:

  1. بيع خردة الألمنيوم محليا مباشرة, ويعوضك عن الفرق.
  2. إذا تم إرجاع المنتج المعني, سنقوم بإعادة إصدار منتج مؤهل جديد لك. الشحن الداخلي المتكبدة خلال هذه العملية, ونتحمل نحن الشحن البحري للعودة وإعادة الشحن.

النية الأصلية لخدمة ما بعد البيع: طالما كنت راضيا.

  1. لبعض العملاء في أفريقيا, أمريكا الجنوبية وجنوب شرق آسيا, نحن نقدم تصميمًا مجانيًا للمواقع الإلكترونية لمساعدة العملاء على إنشاء مواقع ويب رسمية. نأمل أن يتمكن عملاؤنا من التواصل مع عملائنا من خلال الموقع الرسمي عند البحث عن المنتجات على جوجل.
  2. يمكننا مساعدة العملاء على تصميم استراتيجيات تطوير السوق ونقل نموذج تطوير السوق الناضج لعملائنا.
  3. خطة مكافأة الوكيل الخاصة بالعميل, نحن ندعم العملاء لمكافأة القمة 3 التجار المتميزون في المبيعات للسفر إلى الصين, ونحن نقوم بعمل جيد في مجال الخدمة والدعم المحلي.