وضع المعالجة العميقة للوحة الألومنيوم والمشاكل الشائعة

وضع المعالجة العميقة:

1. المعالجة السطحية: تخليل, الغسيل القلوي, التنظيف السائل العضوي, تلميع, تلميع, السفع الرملي, الكهربائي, أكسدة انوديك, تلوين كهربائيا, طلاء (طلاء لفة, رش), الطباعة, النقش, رسم, النقش;

2. فئة ختم الأجهزة: اللكم, التشفيه, التشفيه, الشباك, الانحناء, ختم, توسيع, الدوران, إحراق, تقلص, المتداول, رسم, thinning and stretching;

3. Joint class: welding, bonding, riveting;

4 Heat treatment: baking, baking paint;

وضع المعالجة العميقة للوحة الألومنيوم والمشاكل الشائعة

وضع المعالجة العميقة للوحة الألومنيوم والمشاكل الشائعة

Frequently asked Questions:

1. Bending and cracking

أولاً, we need to confirm whether the end user is out of range, إنه, whether the bending R Angle exceeds the national standard. We don’t recommend going out of range, especially far out of range. If bending and cracking are caused far beyond the range of use, the user is at his own risk.

فضلاً عن ذلك, it is very difficult to bend 6.0mm thick plate at or near 0T under the premise that the mechanical properties of 6.0mm thick plate of 5052H32 and thin plate of 2.0mm are the same. In many small end-user factories or workshops with weak technical strength, because the blade type of bending machine is not much, and the blade is sharp, used to folding sheet or simple folding steel plate experience, and now aluminum plate is also folding, often lead to serious beyond the scope of use, aluminum plate bending cracking. لكن, this situation is not absolute. If the bending property of the aluminum sheet from the aluminum factory fluctuates from batch to batch, the bending property of the supply is at a peak and can be folded over.

2. Punching cracking

The reasons for the cracking are more complex, and there are also some problems in the stamping itself, مثل: large local drawing of the mold design, uneven mold clearance, poor lubrication of the mold, improper holding force and so on. There are problems in the material itself, such as improper matching of material thickness tolerance and mold clearance, poor plasticity of the material and poor impact resistance.

فضلاً عن ذلك, there is another situation, إنه, there is a potential customization of aluminum, إنه, not all qualified GB O aluminum plate can be stamped. In order to avoid stamping cracking, under the premise of certain materials, optimizing the stamping process can improve the effect. But the aluminum must be qualified. If it is unqualified, no matter how hard to press, it is difficult to ensure that it will not crack. Under the premise of fixed stamping process, further optimization of aluminum manufacturing process and quality control will have a good effect.