سبيكة 6000 سلسلة صفائح الألمنيوم?

ال 6000 تحتوي سلسلة صفائح الألمنيوم بشكل أساسي على عنصر Mg و Si, لذلك فهو يجمع بين مزايا 4000 سلسلة و 5000 سلسلة صفائح الألمنيوم. 6061 صفائح الألمنيوم هي النموذج التمثيلي لـ 6000 سلسلة صفائح الألمنيوم, وهو عبارة عن منتج ألومنيوم معالج على البارد, لذلك يتم استخدامه على نطاق واسع في المناطق التي تتمتع بمستوى عالٍ من مقاومة التآكل والأكسدة. 6061 sheet aluminum has advantages of good workability, interface features, easy to painting, it can be applied in low pressure weapon and aircraft fitting.

6000 series sheet aluminum has other models and applications, here is briefly introduction.
6005 aluminum sheet is used in extrusion profiles and pipes, also used in the structure which strength is higher than 6063, such as the ladder, TV antenna, إلخ.
6009 aluminum sheet is used in automobile car body panels.
6010 aluminum sheet is used in the thin sheet, the car body.
6061 aluminum sheet with high strength, good workability, مقاومة قوية للتآكل. It is used as all kinds of industrial structure which require certain intensity, high weldability and corrosion resistance, such as aircraft parts, camera parts, coupler, ship accessories and hardware, electronic accessories and fittings, الأجهزة الزخرفية أو المختلفة, hinges, head, head, brake piston, hydraulic piston, الملحقات الكهربائية, valves and valve parts.
6063 aluminum sheet is used in building material, irrigation pipes and extrusion materials for vehicle, bench, أثاث, fencing, إلخ.
6066 aluminum sheet is used in forgings and welding structure material.
6070 aluminum sheet is used in the overloading welding structure and extrusion materials and pipes for automobile industry.
6101 sheet aluminum is used in high strength bar, electric conductor and cooling equipment for bus.
6151 aluminum sheet is used for forging crankshaft parts, machine parts and producing rolling ring for requires good forging performance, high strength and good corrosion resistance.
6201 aluminum sheet is used in the high strength conductive bar and wire rod.
6205 aluminum sheet is used in thick plate, pedals and high impact resistance extrusion.
6202 aluminum sheet is high stress thread components which corrosion resistance requirement is better than 2011 و 2017 سبيكة.
6351 aluminum sheet is applied to the extrusion of the vehicle structure, ماء, oil pipelines.
6463 aluminum sheet is used in construction and gear profiles, and the car decoration with bright surface after anode oxidation treatment.
6a02 aluminum sheet is applied to aircraft engine parts, complex shape of forging and die forging.